In order to provide the best session available, I will run it the way I see fit to meet both of our needs; My need to dominate and your need to be owned. I expect to be informed of any limitations: physical or emotional. Negotiation is the key and I will get all the information from you before we start. Let’s make it pleasurable and cathartic (or not <eg>). The sensations I deliver will bring us a delightful feeling of wellbeing and pleasure we both want and deserve.
Every session is different. I expect you to tell me what makes your heart pound and I will control those feelings throughout our time together. I will learn how you react and expand on those reactions or make you beg Me to stop. I will read your body language and the more you squirm, moan or cry out, the more I will respond and delight in your discomfort or pain.
Client must be over 21 and be able to provide proof, if asked.
I will NOT provide a session to anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If I believe a client is in this state, I will terminate the session immediately.
There will be NO sex, do NOT ask.
I demand respectful behavior, at all times and I reserve the right to terminate a session at my discretion.
I always practice “Safe, Sane and Consensual” (SSC) scenes, as well as, “Risk, Aware, Consensual, Kink” (RACK).